This title or term has now been re purposed and applied to describe a social behavior or trend in which individuals live simpler lives to escape from what critics call the rat race.
The long term effect of down shifting can include an escape from what has been described as economic materialism as well as reduce the “stress and psychological expense that may accompany economic materialism “. This new social trend emphasizes finding an improved balance between leisure and work while also focusing life goals on personal fulfillment as well as building personal relationships instead of the all-consuming pursuit of economic success.
The scope of participation is limitless because all members of society, adults, children, businesses, institutions, organizations, and governments are able to downshift
Down-shifting, as a concept, shares many characteristics with simple living. However, it is distinguished as an alternative form by its focus on moderate change and concentration on an individual comfort level and a gradual approach to living. In the 1990s this new form of simple living began appearing in the mainstream media and has continually grown in popularity among populations living in industrial societies, especially the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia.
Down-shifters are people that adopt long term voluntary simplicity in their lives. A few of the main practices of down-shifters includes accepting less money for fewer hours worked while placing an emphasis on consuming less in order to reduce their ecological footprint. One of the main results of these practices is being able to enjoy more leisure time in the company of others, especially loved ones.
The primary motivations for downshifting are gaining leisure time, escaping from work-and-spend cycle, and removing the clutter of unnecessary possessions. The personal goals of downshifting are simple: To reach a holistic self-understanding and satisfying meaning in life.
Because of its personalized nature and emphasis on many minor changes rather than complete lifestyle overhaul, it attracts downshifters or participants across the socioeconomic spectrum. An intrinsic consequence of downshifting is increased time for non-work-related activities which, combined with the diverse demographics of downshifters, cultivates higher levels of civic engagement and social interaction.
In practice, down-shifting involves a variety of behavioral and lifestyle changes. The majority of these down-shifts are voluntary choices. Natural life course events such as the loss of a job or birth of a child can prompt involuntary down-shifting. There is also a temporal dimension because a down-shift could be either temporary or permanent.